When to outsource video production? A Guide for Businesses and Marketing Agencies

Key takeaways:

• When it comes to video marketing campaigns, outsourcing production can prove to be a viable option as it can save time, resources, and money.

• In order to select the right video production company for your business, prioritize their experience in working with your industry or niche, a range of skills including scriptwriting, cinematography, animation, portfolio quality, and communication.

• It’s important to carefully evaluate the results of the project after the post-production is finished.

• If you are looking for a Minneapolis production company, make sure that you feel informed and prepared.


In recent years, video marketing has emerged as a highly effective method for businesses to promote their brand, products, and services. According to recent reports, a whopping 85% of companies are utilizing videos as a marketing tool, with 92% of marketers considering it to be a crucial component of their overall strategy. However, producing high-quality videos can be a daunting and expensive task that requires significant amounts of time and resources.

As a result, many businesses and marketing agencies have opted to outsource their video production needs to professionals and companies who specialize in this field. In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the circumstances when outsourcing video production is the most viable option for your business, and provide helpful insights on how to select the perfect video production company to meet your unique needs.

When to outsource video production:

- Lack of serious video production expertise:

If your team lacks the skills or experience required to produce high-quality videos that meet your marketing objectives, it may be time to seek the help of professionals who specialize in video production. Professional video production companies have the resources, expertise, and experience to create engaging videos that will capture your target audience's attention.

- Time constraints:

If you have a tight timeline for your marketing campaign or other pressing business or professional tasks to focus on, outsourcing film production can ease the pressure while ensuring that you still receive high-quality, professionally produced videos.

- Cost-effectiveness:

Outsourcing video production can be a more affordable option for projects than investing in the necessary equipment, editing software, and personnel required to produce high-quality videos in-house.

- Creative ideas:

Sometimes, coming up with fresh, creative, and innovative video concepts for your marketing campaign can be challenging. In such cases, outsourcing video production to experts who have experience with different businesses and industries can bring a fresh perspective and new creative ideas to your campaigns.

How to select the right Minnesota video production company

Selecting the right video production team or company can greatly impact the success of your marketing campaign. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when choosing a top video production company or partner:

If you're in the market for a video production company, it's important to take the time to find one that has experience working within your industry or niche. This will ensure that the team understands your needs and can deliver a product that meets your expectations. Additionally, you'll want to look for a company that has a range of skills, including scriptwriting, cinematography, video editing, and animation. By choosing a company with a diverse skill set, you'll be more likely to get a final product that is polished and professional.

If you're in the process of making a critical decision regarding your brand and marketing objectives, it's essential to carefully review the company's portfolio. This will help you evaluate whether their vision and production quality align with your expectations and requirements. By taking the time to conduct this assessment, you can make an informed decision that will ultimately benefit your clients and business.

When it comes to selecting a video production partner, it's essential to prioritize effective communication. The company you choose should be readily available to answer any queries you may have, no matter how small or complex.

Additionally, they should provide regular updates on the progress of your project to ensure that everything is running smoothly and according to plan. Good communication is a key factor in creating a fun and successful video, so it's crucial to partner with a team that values this aspect of the process.

When making a decision about which company to choose, it is imperative to take into account various factors beyond the cost. It is crucial to seek out a solution that is tailored to your budget constraints while also adequately addressing your specific needs and requirements. By doing so, you can ensure that you make a well-informed decision that will ultimately benefit you in the long run.

The film production experience

When you have selected a film production company, the key to a successful project is working closely with them throughout the entire process. This involves creating a detailed brief with clear goals and instructions, providing feedback throughout the project's stages, and ensuring that the production company delivers work that aligns with your overall marketing strategy. But most importantly you want to collaborate with a company that makes the process fun.


It’s important to evaluate the success of your video marketing campaign after the post-production project is finished. Look at metrics such as views, engagement, lead conversion, and overall brand awareness. Evaluate how well the resulting videos met your expectations and whether your video production partner delivered on their promises. Discuss your experience with your video production partner, celebrating successes, and identifying areas where improvements can be made.


Looking for the one Minneapolis production company can be really hard but, outsourcing video production can be an excellent option for businesses and marketing agencies that need high-quality, professionally produced videos. It can be more cost-effective, save time, increase quality and creativity, and video production companies offer specialized expertise not available in-house.

Consider their experience, quality, communication, and budget. Work closely with them throughout the process to ensure the project meets the set goals. Finally, evaluate the results of the project so that you can make informed decisions about future video marketing campaigns.

If you are looking for a Minneapolis production company we want you to feel prepared and informed. Check out the next blog to learn how long video marketing videos take to make.


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